A history of the medical mask and the rise of throwaway culture #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

Comment l’angioscanner a bouleversé le traitement du Covid-19
Déjà 2 800 utilisateurs pour « COVID-REA », l’espace de travail mis en place à l’AP-HP pour les soignants confrontés au COVID-19 sur l’application Team’Doc #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronav…

A history of the medical mask and the rise of throwaway culture #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

The shortage of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic has become a symbol of the
fragility of modern medicine and public health. Several explanations have been advanced
for this situation, from a panicking public hoarding masks to the offshoring of manufacturing
and the disruption of global trade. The history of medicine suggests another factor
could be considered: the progressive replacement of reusable face masks by disposable
ones since the 1960s. Medicine has been transformed by consumer culture—what Life
Magazine enthusiastically named “Throwaway Living” in 1955.

Source: www.thelancet.com

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