
Big data and long COVID

In this issue, Emily Pfaff and colleagues show that machine learning analysis of electronic

health records could be crucial in diagnosing patients with long COVID. This is the

latest in a plethora of studies to use big data to determine prevalence, symptoms,

or risk factors for long COVID. But is big data helping to treat patients with this

heterogeneous condition, or should we be redirecting our efforts elsewhere?

Lire l'article complet sur : www.thelancet.com


L’application TousAnticovid a une “utilité marginale” dans la lutte contre la pandémie

La Cnil pointe du doigt l'utilité "marginale" de la fonctionnalité de contact tracing dans l'application TousAntiCovid. Un comble, étant donné qu'il s'agit de son objectif principal : tracer les chaînes de contamination pour les casser. En réalité, l'application est aujourd'hui principalement utilisée pour stocker le pass sanitaire.

Lire l'article complet sur : www.usine-digitale.fr


Lessons from COVID: EU’s vaccine passport proves digital health’s potential | Euronews

Following the success of its vaccine passport, the Digital COVID Certificate, the EU is investing more into digital health with the European Health Data Space. EU Commissioner Stella Kyriakides speaks to Smart Health about how it will change our lives. #SmartHealth

Lire l'article complet sur : www.euronews.com


COVID-19 trajectories among 57 million adults in England: a cohort study using electronic health records

Our analyses illustrate the wide spectrum of disease trajectories as shown by differences

in incidence, survival, and clinical pathways. We have provided a modular analytical

framework that can be used to monitor the impact of the pandemic and generate evidence

of clinical and policy relevance using multiple EHR sources.

Lire l'article complet sur : www.thelancet.com

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