Front Public Health. 2022 May 4;10:879695. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.879695. eCollection 2022.ABSTRACTBACKGROUND: Mobile health applications (mHealth apps)
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When covid-19 struck Europe in March 2020, hospitals were plunged into a health crisis that was still badly understood. “Doctors really didn’t have a clue how to manage these patients,” says Laure Wynants, an epidemiologist at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, who studies predictive tools.
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Il faut déjà se préparer à de prochaines pandémies estime l'équipe multidisciplinaire américaine du Centre national de ressources sur l’évaluation des technologies
de télémédecine, (National Telemedicine Technology Assessment resource Center ou TTAC). Elle vient d'élaborer un plan stratégique pou
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COVID-19 has substantially disrupted the provision of essential health services for
NCDs in the WHO South East Asia Region, particularly cancer and cardiovascular disease.
This is likely to have serious and potentially long-term downstream impacts on health
and mortality of those living with or at risk of NCDs in the region.
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