
Social media and attitudes towards a COVID-19 vaccination: A systematic review of the literature

This thorough examination of the various roles social media can play in disseminating

information to the public, as well as how individuals behave on social media in the

context of public health events, articulates the potential of social media as a platform

of public health intervention to address vaccine hesitancy.

Lire l'article complet sur : www.thelancet.com


Identifying who has long COVID in the USA: a machine learning approach using N3C data

Patients identified by our models as potentially having long COVID can be interpreted

as patients warranting care at a specialty clinic for long COVID, which is an essential

proxy for long COVID diagnosis as its definition continues to evolve. We also achieve

the urgent goal of identifying potential long COVID in patients for clinical trials.

As more data sources are identified, our models can be retrained and tuned based on

the needs of individual studies.

Lire l'article complet sur : www.thelancet.com


GovApp: une nouvelle application belge pour lutter contre le Covid-19 

Le gouvernement belge a lancé GovApp, une nouvelle application destinée à la lutte contre le Covid-19, ont annoncé les différents ministres de la Santé publique.

Lire l'article complet sur : www.numerikare.be


Lancement du projet franco-allemand AIOLOS, plateforme de détection des épidémies dues aux virus respiratoires

L’objectif d'AIOLOS, plateforme de collecte de données multi-sources en temps réel, basée sur l'IA et la modélisation prédictive, est de détecter une

Lire l'article complet sur : www.actuia.com

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