
Google Search and Maps adding links to virtual doctor visits #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

Google says it has seen a dramatic rise in telemedicine in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, because people would prefer to see a doctor at home.

Why Does Covid-19 Make Some People So Sick? Ask Their DNA | WIRED #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

Consumer genomics company 23andMe wants to mine its database of millions of customers for clues to why the virus hits some people harder than others.

How industry heavyweights are fighting in the match against COVID-19 #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

How industry heavyweights are fighting in the match against COVID-19 | Rock Health | We're powering the future of healthcare. Rock Health is a seed and early-stage venture fund that supports startups building the next generation of technologies transforming healthcare. | We're powering the future of healthcare. Rock Health is a seed and early-stage venture...

Will we give up privacy for security after Covid-19? #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

Will we accept the erosion of privacy as the price of vigilance against new viruses, in the same way we traded personal freedoms after the 9/11 attacks?
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