
Le Covid-19 a fait plonger l’espérance de vie en 2020 – Le Monde, 27/09/2021

Selon une étude réalisée dans vingt-neuf pays développés, dont vingt-sept en Europe, la chute atteindrait des niveaux jamais observés depuis la seconde guerre mondiale.

Lire l'article complet sur : www.lemonde.fr


Evolution and Distribution of Global COVID-19 Viral Variants (Oct. 2022)

This phylogenetic tree represents the clade distribution of global SARS-CoV-2 viral genomes since the beginning of the pandemic. In the center is the reference Wuhan-1 strain, with outside samples now separated by nucleotide divergence. The last few months have led to an explosion of new variants with further mutations in the viral spike resulting in further antibody evasion, and also carrying changes in many other viral proteins. Some recently sequenced viral genomes from samples collected in Southeast Asia (not shown in this figure) display over a hundred nucleotides changes when compared to Wuhan-1. The graph was generated with nextstrain.org

Lire l'article complet sur : www.linkedin.com

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