
Why COVID-19 is so hard to Track #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

Why COVID-19 is so hard to Track

Seeker sat down with two professors of medicine to find out how COVID-19 attacks our bodies and why it’s so hard to track and control

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Source: www.technology-in-business.net


A Virus detection network to stop the next Pandemic

A Virus detection network to stop the next Pandemic

How can we stop the next pandemic before it starts? Disease researchers Pardis Sabeti and Christian Happi introduce Sentinel, an early warning system that detects and tracks viral threats in real time -- and could help stop them before they spre

Source: www.technology-in-business.net


Future of Public Transit, Health & Wellness in COVID-19 Economy

Future Healthcare

Future of Public Transit, Health & Wellness in COVID-19 Economy.

Source: www.thefuturist.co


Comment concilier impératifs sanitaires et libertés individuelles ?

La question se pose plus que jamais alors qu'Emmanuel Macron a annoncé mercredi soir l'instauration d'un couvre-feu pour endiguer la pandémie de Covid-19. Nous nous interrogeons sur le degré d'acceptabilité des mesures, jusqu'où il est possible d'aller en termes de restrictions... Avec Jocelyn Raude et Karine Lefeuvre, enseignants-chercheurs à l'EHESP

Source: www.franceinter.fr

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