A Smartphone App Tries to Guide the Way Out of Coronavirus Lockdowns #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

Les Innovations technologiques explosent en temps de guerre : plus de 1000 ans pour comprendre la variole, 100 ans pour la tuberculose, 10 ans pour le Hiv, 10 mois pour le Sars, et…10 semaines po…
Coronavirus patient data stored in electronic health records found difficult to study at scale #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

A Smartphone App Tries to Guide the Way Out of Coronavirus Lockdowns #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

The app, installed by more than three million British users, helps researchers locate spikes of new-coronavirus infection as they emerge. It holds promise as a critical tool for policy makers as they ease lockdowns.

Source: www.wsj.com

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