Apple, Google have teamed up to build system-level COVID-19 contact tracing, interoperable APIs for iOS, Android #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

Coronavirus : une application pour smartphone détecte le Covid-19 avec votre toux #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance
Répondre aux 12 plus grandes questions sur Apple et le nouveau projet de suivi des coronavirus de Google – JAPANFM #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

Apple, Google have teamed up to build system-level COVID-19 contact tracing, interoperable APIs for iOS, Android #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth #Coronavirus #covid-19 #COVID19FR #coronavirusfrance

The two tech giants' unprecedented partnership looks to engage as many users in disease-tracing and prevention efforts as possible while tearing down the data silos of their respective smartphone platforms.

The two tech giants’ unprecedented partnership looks to engage as many users in disease-tracing and prevention efforts as possible while tearing down the data silos of their respective smartphone platforms.


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